Friday, June 8, 2012

Question: Do we recite a Bracha upon seeing a king on television? How about a queen? (Recently, there's been a lot of media attention focusing on the Queen of England's Jubilee which was broadcasted around the world).

Answer: The Gemara states[1] we recite a Bracha upon seeing both a Jewish and non-Jewish king. The purpose of this blessing is to acknowledge Hashem’s greatness which is imparted to human royalty[2] .

There is a view in Halacha[3] that upon seeing a king who no longer has the "power of life and death" the Bracha is still recited. Consequently, if we were to see a king these days (or even the president the US) we would recite the Bracha (without saying Hashem’s name) [4]In addition, Poskim don't seem to differentiate between a king or queen[5].

Further analysis is necessary in order to define what qualifies as "seeing" , i.e. Is  it strictly when we are "in their presence" or even upon seeing imagery of royalty and splendor, would trigger the requirement of the Bracha?

We may compare this case to a similar case where we recite a Bracha upon acknowledging Hashem’s greatness. The Halacha[6] is that when we see a rainbow, a Bracha is recited. Would we be required to recite the Bracha if we saw the rainbow's reflection in water? Chazal state [7] that we are required to recite the Bracha only upon "actually" seeing "Hashem's greatness".

Perhaps we can infer that upon witnessing "a show of royalty" through a television, the actual "glory and greatness" is limited, and there would not be a requirement for the Bracha. A analogous case might be with regard to Kiddush Levana. The Halacha[8] is that we do not recite a Bracha upon viewing the moon via a mirror, for it is not called "witnessing" the moon.
There are poskim who maintain [9] that viewing the moon through a telescope, does not warrant a Bracha, because it is not considered "observing" the actual moon. According to those who do require a Bracha, the reason might be because they considered a telescope as "seeing" the actual moon. However, with regards to television (which is merely an electric transmittal) of the "actual" image, all would agree that a Bracha should not be recited.

Another way of looking at this is as follows:  We recite the Bracha for the new moon in part because we receive "benefit" from the light of the moon, (which directly benefits us) [10]. Whereas, the Bracha for royalty is not based on our receiving "benefit" or "enjoyment" upon witnessing it, rather, the reason for reciting the Bracha is in recognition of Hashem ‘s creations. It would seem, therefore, that upon seeing royalty in any medium, we should be obligated to recite the Bracha.

A similar Halacha[11] applies to one who sees a Talmid Chacham. We are obligated to "stand and remain standing" until the Talmid Chacham is no longer in sight. It appears the Halacha is based on "distance" and upon our ability to "see". As long as we can literally "see" the Talmid Chacham who is in our presence, the Halacha considers that "seeing". In contrast, merely observing a "picture" of a Talmid Chacham, would not mandate standing, as we are not "actually" seeing the Talmid Chacham.
Finally, the Gemara states with regards to "uncertainty" in Halacha, we rely on the common practice[12]. In our case, the majority of people do not make a Bracha upon viewing the Queen or any other royalty, on television.

L’halacha: Seeing a queen in person would require a Bracha (without Hashem's name). Whereas, seeing a queen on television, would not require a Bracha.

Daily inspiration:

As finite existence, our reality is based strictly on our observation,“seeing is believing”. As such, our appreciation of an infinite Creator leaves us with the question as to what is the "true reality". Yet, through the power of our innate faith and essence, we are able to perceive the true reality, “Perceiving is believing”.

[1] ברכות נ"ח. הובא להלכה בשו"ע סי' רכ"ד:ח וסדבה"נ פי"ג:ט
[2] סדבה"נ שם
[3][3] עי' שו"ת באר משה ח"ב סי' ט, אמנם עי' שו"ת רדב"ז ח"א סי' רצ"ו ושו"ת חת"ס או"ח סי' קנ"ט שו"ת יחוות דעת ח"ב
[4] עי' באר משה שם
[5] עי' שו"ת באר משה שם אות ד' ושו"ת (אחיו) בצל החכמה ח"ב סי' י"ח
[6] שו"ע סי' רכ"ט:א
[7] עי' ילקוט הגרשוני או"ח סי' רכ"ט אות א-ב ושו"ת בצל החכמה שם
[8] גמ' ר"ה כ"ד: בכרי יוסף חו"מ ל"ה:י"א ועי' שו"ת יחוות דעת הנ"ל
[9] עי' שערי תשובה או"ח סי' תכ"ו:א
[10] רמ"א סי' תכ"ו:א עי' מג"א שם
[11] שו"ע יו"ד סי' רמ"ד
[12] פוק חזי.. ראה ברכות מ"ה. מנחות ל"ה ע"ב שו"ת האלף לך שלמה או"ח סי' מ"ד ויו"ד סי' רנ"ז ושו"ת מנח"י ח"ג:י

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